Taha Hasan
Taha Hasan
Computer Science Department, College of Science, University of Diyala
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Effective and fast deepfake detection method based on haar wavelet transform
MA Younus, TM Hasan
2020 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering …, 2020
Smart Home as a New Trend, a Simplicity Led to Revolution
QSM Jumana Waleed, Areej M. Abduldaim, Taha Mohammed Hasan
2018 1st International Scientific Conference of Engineering Sciences - 3rd …, 2018
A secure and efficient public auditing system of cloud storage based on BLS signature and automatic blocker protocol
BA Jalil, TM Hasan, GS Mahmood, HN Abed
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (7 …, 2022
Imperceptible 3D Video Watermarking Technique Based on Scene Change Detection
SHATMH Jumana Waleed Salih
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 82, 11-22, 2015
Cryptosystems using an improving hiding technique based on latin square and magic square
SD Mohammed, TM Hasan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 20 (1 …, 2020
Abbreviated view of deepfake videos detection techniques
MA Younus, TM Hasan
2020 6th International Engineering Conference “Sustainable Technology and …, 2020
Development of breast cancer diagnosis system based on fuzzy logic and probabilistic neural network
TM Hasan, SD Mohammed, J Waleed
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 4 (9-106), 6-13, 2020
Secure data in lorawan network by adaptive method of elliptic-curve cryptography
N Raad, T Hasan, A Chalak, J Waleed
2019 International conference on computing and information science and …, 2019
An adaptive fractal image compression
TM Hasan, X Wu
Facemask wearing detection based on deep CNN to control COVID-19 transmission
J Waleed, T Abbas, TM Hasan
2022 Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology …, 2022
An expanded vision of breast cancer diagnosis approaches based on machine learning techniques
AJ Abdullah, TM Hasan, J Waleed
2019 International Engineering Conference (IEC), 177-181, 2019
Machine learning algorithms for constructions cost prediction: A systematic review
Y Ghadbhan Abed, TM Hasan, RN Zehawi
International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 13 (2), 2205-2218, 2022
A digital signature system based on real time face recognition
A Ahmed, T Hasan, FA Abdullatif, M ST, MSM Rahim
2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology …, 2019
An Adaptive Algorithm for Improving the Fractal Image Compression (FIC)
JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA 6 (6), 477-485, 2011
A review of image retrieval based on ontology model
NM Shati, N Khalid Ibrahim, TM Hasan
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics 12 (1), Page 10 …, 2020
Cost prediction for roads construction using machine learning models
YG Abed, TM Hasan, RN Zehawi
International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 13 (10 …, 2022
Modified AODV Routing Protocol to Detect the Black Hole Attack in MANET
DSI Ali Abdulrahman Mahmood, Taha Mohammed Hasan
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2015
Comprehensive expansion in Anti-Forensics Techniques (AFTs) based compressed image
J Waleed, TM Hasan, T Abbas
2017 Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications …, 2017
Eye-gaze estimation systems for multi-applications: An implementation of approach based on laptop webcam
J Waleed, TM Hasan, QK Abed
university of Diyala, 2018
Impact of dimensionality reduction on the accuracy of data classification
AA Othman, TM Hasan, SO Hasoon
2020 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technology and its …, 2020
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Articles 1–20