Jonathan Shek
Jonathan Shek
Senior Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh
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Cited by
Hybrid wind–photovoltaic–diesel–battery system sizing tool development using empirical approach, life-cycle cost and performance analysis: A case study in Scotland
LK Gan, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
Energy Conversion and Management 106, 479-494, 2015
Reaction force control of a linear electrical generator for direct drive wave energy conversion
JKH Shek, DE Macpherson, MA Mueller, J Xiang
IET renewable power generation 1 (1), 17-24, 2007
Optimised operation of an off-grid hybrid wind-diesel-battery system using genetic algorithm
LK Gan, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
Energy Conversion and Management 126, 446-462, 2016
Experimental verification of linear generator control for direct drive wave energy conversion
JKH Shek, DE Macpherson, MA Mueller
IET Renewable Power Generation 4 (5), 395-403, 2010
Damper windings in induction machines for reduction of unbalanced magnetic pull and bearing wear
DG Dorrell, JKH Shek, MA Mueller, MF Hsieh
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (5), 2206-2216, 2013
Designing the C-GEN lightweight direct drive generator for wave and tidal energy
O Keysan, M Mueller, A McDonald, N Hodgins, J Shek
IET Renewable Power Generation 6 (3), 161-170, 2012
Modeling and characterization of downwind tower shadow effects using a wind turbine emulator
LK Gan, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (9), 7087-7097, 2017
The development of an indexing method for the comparison of unbalanced magnetic pull in electrical machines
DG Dorrell, JKH Shek, MF Hsieh
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 52 (1), 145-153, 2015
Phase and amplitude control of a linear generator for wave energy conversion
JKH Shek, DE Macpherson, MA Mueller
4th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives …, 2008
A survey of second-life batteries based on techno-economic perspective and applications-based analysis
H Iqbal, S Sarwar, D Kirli, JKH Shek, AE Kiprakis
Carbon Neutrality 2 (1), 8, 2023
Direct drive wave energy converter control in irregular waves
B Li, DE Macpherson, JKH Shek
IET Conference on Renewable Power Generation (RPG 2011), 1-6, 2011
Modelling, control and frequency domain analysis of a tidal current conversion system with onshore converters
MC Sousounis, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (2), 158-165, 2016
A novel structure of tubular staggered transverse-flux permanent-magnet linear generator for wave energy conversion
S Qiu, W Zhao, C Zhang, JKH Shek, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 37 (1), 24-35, 2021
Direct drive wave energy array with offshore energy storage supplying off‐grid residential load
MC Sousounis, LK Gan, AE Kiprakis, JKH Shek
IET Renewable Power Generation 11 (9), 1081-1088, 2017
Current and future developments of the C-GEN lightweight direct drive generator for wave & tidal energy
N Hodgins, A McDonald, J Shek, O Keysan, M Mueller
Proceedings of the 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Uppsala …, 2009
Unbalanced magnetic pull in cage induction machines for fixed-speed renewable energy generators
DG Dorrell, J Shek, MF Hsieh, MA Mueller
IEEE transactions on magnetics 47 (10), 4096-4099, 2011
Calculation of unbalanced magnetic pull in induction machines through empirical method
H Chuan, JKH Shek
IET Electric Power Applications 12 (9), 1233-1239, 2018
Analysis of tower shadow effects on battery lifetime in standalone hybrid wind-diesel-battery systems
LK Gan, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (8), 6234-6244, 2017
Filter design for cable overvoltage and power loss minimization in a tidal energy system with onshore converters
MC Sousounis, JKH Shek, MA Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (1), 400-408, 2015
Power conversion for wave energy applications
JKH Shek, DE Macpherson, MA Mueller
5th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives …, 2010
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Articles 1–20