Chandrashekhar M. Biradar
Chandrashekhar M. Biradar
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Mapping paddy rice planting area in northeastern Asia with Landsat 8 images, phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine
J Dong, X Xiao, MA Menarguez, G Zhang, Y Qin, D Thau, C Biradar, ...
Remote sensing of environment 185, 142-154, 2016
Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium
PS Thenkabail, CM Biradar, P Noojipady, V Dheeravath, Y Li, M Velpuri, ...
International journal of remote sensing 30 (14), 3679-3733, 2009
Tracking the dynamics of paddy rice planting area in 1986–2010 through time series Landsat images and phenology-based algorithms
J Dong, X Xiao, W Kou, Y Qin, G Zhang, L Li, C Jin, Y Zhou, J Wang, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 160, 99-113, 2015
Mapping paddy rice planting areas through time series analysis of MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation index data
G Zhang, X Xiao, J Dong, W Kou, C Jin, Y Qin, Y Zhou, J Wang, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 106, 157-171, 2015
Mapping deciduous rubber plantations through integration of PALSAR and multi-temporal Landsat imagery
J Dong, X Xiao, B Chen, N Torbick, C Jin, G Zhang, C Biradar
Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 392-402, 2013
A global map of rainfed cropland areas (GMRCA) at the end of last millennium using remote sensing
CM Biradar, PS Thenkabail, P Noojipady, Y Li, V Dheeravath, H Turral, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 11 (2 …, 2009
New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities
PS Roy, MD Behera, MSR Murthy, A Roy, S Singh, SPS Kushwaha, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 39 …, 2015
The potential and uptake of remote sensing in insurance: A review
J De Leeuw, A Vrieling, A Shee, C Atzberger, KM Hadgu, CM Biradar, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 10888-10912, 2014
Spatiotemporal patterns of paddy rice croplands in China and India from 2000 to 2015
G Zhang, X Xiao, CM Biradar, J Dong, Y Qin, MA Menarguez, Y Zhou, ...
Science of the Total Environment 579, 82-92, 2017
Sensitivity of vegetation indices and gross primary production of tallgrass prairie to severe drought
P Wagle, X Xiao, MS Torn, DR Cook, R Matamala, ML Fischer, C Jin, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 152, 1-14, 2014
Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery
J Dong, X Xiao, S Sheldon, C Biradar, G Xie
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and remote sensing 74, 20-33, 2012
Comparison of four EVI-based models for estimating gross primary production of maize and soybean croplands and tallgrass prairie under severe drought
J Dong, X Xiao, P Wagle, G Zhang, Y Zhou, C Jin, MS Torn, TP Meyers, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 162, 154-168, 2015
Quantifying the area and spatial distribution of double-and triple-cropping croplands in India with multi-temporal MODIS imagery in 2005
CM Biradar, X Xiao
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2), 367-386, 2011
Exacerbated grassland degradation and desertification in Central Asia during 2000–2014
G Zhang, CM Biradar, X Xiao, J Dong, Y Zhou, Y Qin, Y Zhang, F Liu, ...
Ecological applications 28 (2), 442-456, 2018
Flying over an infected landscape: distribution of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 risk in South Asia and satellite tracking of wild waterfowl
M Gilbert, SH Newman, JY Takekawa, L Loth, C Biradar, DJ Prosser, ...
EcoHealth 7, 448-458, 2010
A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA
J Dong, X Xiao, S Sheldon, C Biradar, ND Duong, M Hazarika
Remote Sensing of Environment 127, 60-73, 2012
Influence of resolution in irrigated area mapping and area estimation
NM Velpuri, PS Thenkabail, MK Gumma, C Biradar, V Dheeravath, ...
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 75 (12), 1383-1395, 2009
Irrigated areas of India derived using MODIS 500 m time series for the years 2001–2003
V Dheeravath, PS Thenkabail, G Chandrakantha, P Noojipady, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (1), 42-59, 2010
Improved estimates of forest cover and loss in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000–2017
Y Qin, X Xiao, J Dong, Y Zhang, X Wu, Y Shimabukuro, E Arai, C Biradar, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (8), 764-772, 2019
Mapping cropland abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS time series
F Löw, AV Prishchepov, F Waldner, O Dubovyk, A Akramkhanov, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 159, 2018
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