Yuki Otani
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Cited by
Effects of the addition of silicon to 7075 aluminum alloy on microstructure, mechanical properties, and selective laser melting processability
Y Otani, S Sasaki
Materials Science and Engineering: A 777, 139079, 2020
Microstructural origin of anisotropic tensile ductility of Al-Si alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Y Otani, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, M Kato
Scripta Materialia 226, 115259, 2023
Microstructure and mechanical properties of A7075 alloy with additional Si objects fabricated by selective laser melting
Y Otani, Y Kusaki, K Itagaki, S Sasaki
Materials Transactions 60 (10), 2143-2150, 2019
CALPHAD-aided design of high-strength Al-Si-Mg alloys for sufficient laser powder bed fusion processability
Y Otani, K Saki, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, M Kato
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 977, 173449, 2024
Four-dimensional electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: role of microstructure on corrosion behaviour of Al-Si alloys additive-manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Y Hoshi, R Miyazawa, Y Otani, D Kim, N Takata, M Kobashi
Corrosion Science 232, 112018, 2024
Selective Laser Melting により作製した Si 添加 A7075 造形物の組織と機械的強度
大谷祐貴, 草木雄地, 板垣和幸, 佐々木信也
粉体および粉末冶金 66 (3), 109-115, 2019
Effect of heat treatments on inhomogeneous deformation of the melt-pool structure of Al–Si alloy manufactured via laser powder bed fusion
Y Otani, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, M Kato
Materials Science and Engineering: A 909, 146808, 2024
Tailoring compositional gradient in electrodeposited Ni-Co alloys to achieve strength-ductility synergy and microstructural stability at nanoscale
S Banthia, HT Padmaganesan, S Singam, Y Otani, N Takata, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2025
Inhomogeneous α-Al/Mg2Si two-phase microstructures with chemical fluctuation produced by laser-beam powder bed fusion
Y Otani, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, J Umeda
Materials & Design, 113787, 2025
Inhomogeneous deformation in melt-pool structure of Al-Fe-Cu alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Y Cheng, Y Otani, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, M Kato
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1310 (1), 012016, 2024
Processability and Solidification Microstructure of Al-10Si-4.5 Mg Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Y Otani, N Takata, A Suzuki, M Kobashi, M Kato
Key Engineering Materials 964, 53-58, 2023
3D Impedance Analysis on Dissolution Behavior of Additive-Manufactured Al-12% Si Alloy
Y Hoshi, R Miyazawa, Y Otani, N Takata, M Kobashi
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 243, 1473-1473, 2023
レーザ粉末床溶融結合法により造形した Mn 添加 Al-Cu-Mg-Zn-Si 合金の硬度と微細組織に及ぼす熱処理の影響
酒井拓弥, 大谷祐貴, 佐々木信也
軽金属 72 (5), 185-190, 2022
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Silicon Duralumin Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
T Sakai, Y Otani, S Sasaki
European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2020, 2020
LPBF プロセス後の熱処理における強度低下防止を目的とした高強度アルミニウム合金に対する Mn 添加の影響
酒井拓弥, 大谷祐貴, 佐々木信也
年次大会 2020, S04118, 2020
Development of high specific strength 7075 Al alloy applicable to selective laser melting
Y Otani, Y Kusaki, K Itagaki, S Sasaki
European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2018, 2020
Effect of adding silicon to the 7075 aluminium alloy on processability, microstructure and mechanical properties by selective laser melting
Y Otani, S Sasaki
European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2019, 2019
Effects of heat treatment conditions on scalmalloy® fabricated by selective laser melting
B Tsunoda, Y Otani, S Sasaki
European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2019, 2019
選択的レーザ溶融法における Si 添加超々ジュラルミンの造形性向上に関する研究
大谷祐貴, 佐々木信也
年次大会 2018, S0410104, 2018
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Articles 1–19