Yu-Hua Chen
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Cited by
Lexical bundles in L1 and L2 academic writing
YH Chen, P Baker
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2010
Developing the Academic Collocation List (ACL)–A corpus-driven and expert-judged approach
K Ackermann, YH Chen
Journal of English for Academic purposes 12 (4), 235-247, 2013
Investigating criterial discourse features across second language development: lexical bundles in rated learner essays, CEFR B1, B2 and C1
YH Chen, P Baker
Applied Linguistics 37 (6), 849-880, 2016
Investigating Lexical Bundles across Learner Writing Development
YH Chen
Unpublished doctoral thesis. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 2009
Dancing K-Pop with Chinese and “English in Class Please”: Policy Negotiations as Relational-Languaging Episodes
S Harrison, YH Chen
RELC Journal 52 (2), 270-286, 2021
Transcribear – Introducing a secure online transcription and annotation tool
YH Chen, R Bruncak
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2019
The EMI campus as site and source for a multimodal corpus
MP Stevens, Y Chen, S Harrison
Variation in time and space. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 377-402, 2020
“I don’t have communicate ability”: Deviations in an L2 multimodal corpus of academic English from an EMI university in China–errors or ELF?
YH Chen, S Harrison, R Weekly
Corpus Approaches into World Englishes and Language Contrasts, 2019
Opening pandora's box: A corpus-based study of idioms in ELT materials
C Yu-Hua, L Wang
Journal of Asia TEFL 13 (4), 381, 2016
Developing a multimodal corpus of L2 academic English from an English medium of instruction university in China
YHC Chen, S Harrison, MP Stevens, Q Zhou
Corpora 19 (1), 1-15, 2024
A Comparative Study of Chinese Test takers’ Writing Performance in Integrated and Discrete Tasks: Scores and Recurrent Word Combinations in PTE Academic
YHC Chen, Y Zheng
L. Hamp-Lyons & Y. Jin (Eds) Assessing the English Language Writing of …, 2022
MobiTech: Exploring the Use of Mobile Technology in Teaching and Learning
YH Chen, M Dowens, R Ma
Teaching and Learning with Technology: Proceedings of the 2016 Global …, 2017
How can we use corpus wordlists for language learning? Interfaces between computer corpora and expert intervention
YH Chen, R Bruncak
Critical CALL–Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy …, 2015
To Wordlist or Not to Wordlist? The dilemma and challenges for language learning and testing
YH Chen
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Articles 1–14