Alexander Coppock
Cited by
Cited by
Validating the demographic, political, psychological, and experimental results obtained from a new source of online survey respondents
A Coppock, OA McClellan
Research & politics 6 (1), 2053168018822174, 2019
Generalizing from survey experiments conducted on Mechanical Turk: A replication approach
A Coppock
Political Science Research and Methods 7 (3), 613-628, 2019
Generalizability of heterogeneous treatment effect estimates across samples
A Coppock, TJ Leeper, KJ Mullinix
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (49), 12441-12446, 2018
Does counter-attitudinal information cause backlash? Results from three large survey experiments
A Guess, A Coppock
British Journal of Political Science 50 (4), 1497-1515, 2020
A randomized control trial evaluating the effects of police body-worn cameras
D Yokum, A Ravishankar, A Coppock
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (21), 10329-10332, 2019
Candidate choice without party labels: New insights from conjoint survey experiments
PA Kirkland, A Coppock
Political Behavior 40, 571-591, 2018
What have we learned about gender from candidate choice experiments? A meta-analysis of sixty-seven factorial survey experiments
S Schwarz, A Coppock
The Journal of Politics 84 (2), 655-668, 2022
When to worry about sensitivity bias: A social reference theory and evidence from 30 years of list experiments
G Blair, A Coppock, M Moor
American Political Science Review 114 (4), 1297-1315, 2020
Is voting habit forming? New evidence from experiments and regression discontinuities
A Coppock, DP Green
American Journal of Political Science 60 (4), 1044-1062, 2016
The generalizability of online experiments conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Peyton, GA Huber, A Coppock
Journal of Experimental Political Science 9 (3), 379-394, 2022
Persuasion in Parallel: How Information Changes Minds about Politics
A Coppock
University of Chicago Press, 2023
Declaring and diagnosing research designs
G Blair, J Cooper, A Coppock, M Humphreys
American Political Science Review 113 (3), 838-859, 2019
The long-lasting effects of newspaper op-eds on public opinion
A Coppock, E Ekins, D Kirby
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 13 (1), 59-87, 2018
The small effects of political advertising are small regardless of context, message, sender, or receiver: Evidence from 59 real-time randomized experiments
A Coppock, SJ Hill, L Vavreck
Science advances 6 (36), eabc4046, 2020
Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis
M Schweinsberg, M Feldman, N Staub, OR van den Akker, RCM van Aert, ...
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 165, 228-249, 2021
Combining list experiment and direct question estimates of sensitive behavior prevalence
PM Aronow, A Coppock, FW Crawford, DP Green
Journal of survey statistics and methodology 3 (1), 43-66, 2015
estimatr: Fast estimators for design-based inference.
G Blair
R package version 030., 2021
Avoiding post-treatment bias in audit experiments
A Coppock
Journal of Experimental Political Science 6 (1), 1-4, 2019
When treatments are tweets: A network mobilization experiment over Twitter
A Coppock, A Guess, J Ternovski
Political Behavior 38, 105-128, 2016
list: Statistical methods for the item count technique and list experiment
G Blair, W Chou, K Imai
CRAN: Contributed Packages, 2010
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Articles 1–20