Jochen Peter
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Cited by
Friend networking sites and their relationship to adolescents' well-being and social self-esteem
PM Valkenburg, J Peter, AP Schouten
CyberPsychology & behavior 9 (5), 584-590, 2006
Development and validation of a game addiction scale for adolescents
JS Lemmens, PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Media psychology 12 (1), 77-95, 2009
Online communication among adolescents: An integrated model of its attraction, opportunities, and risks
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Journal of adolescent health 48 (2), 121-127, 2011
Social consequences of the Internet for adolescents: A decade of research
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Current directions in psychological science 18 (1), 1-5, 2009
Preadolescents' and adolescents' online communication and their closeness to friends.
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Developmental psychology 43 (2), 267, 2007
The differential susceptibility to media effects model
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Journal of communication 63 (2), 221-243, 2013
Online communication and adolescent well-being: Testing the stimulation versus the displacement hypothesis
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Journal of computer-mediated communication 12 (4), 1169-1182, 2007
Framing politics at the launch of the Euro: A cross-national comparative study of frames in the news
C H. De Vreese, Jochen Peter, Holli A. Semetko
Political communication 18 (2), 107-122, 2001
Adolescents’ identity experiments on the Internet
PM Valkenburg, AP Schouten, J Peter
New media & society 7 (3), 383-402, 2005
Psychosocial causes and consequences of pathological gaming
JS Lemmens, PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Computers in human behavior 27 (1), 144-152, 2011
Adolescents and pornography: A review of 20 years of research
J Peter, PM Valkenburg
The Journal of Sex Research 53 (4-5), 509-531, 2016
Norms of online expressions of emotion: Comparing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp
SF Waterloo, SE Baumgartner, J Peter, PM Valkenburg
New media & society 20 (5), 1813-1831, 2018
Media effects: Theory and research
PM Valkenburg, J Peter, JB Walther
Annual review of psychology 67 (1), 315-338, 2016
Developing a model of adolescent friendship formation on the Internet
J Peter, PM Valkenburg, AP Schouten
CyberPsychology & Behavior 8 (5), 423-430, 2005
Adolescents’ social network site use, peer appearance-related feedback, and body dissatisfaction: Testing a mediation model
DA De Vries, J Peter, H De Graaf, P Nikken
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 211-224, 2016
Adolescents’ exposure to sexually explicit material on the Internet
J Peter, PM Valkenburg
Communication Research 33 (2), 178-204, 2006
Adolescents’ exposure to a sexualized media environment and their notions of women as sex objects
J Peter, PM Valkenburg
Sex roles 56, 381-395, 2007
Precursors and underlying processes of adolescents' online self-disclosure: Developing and testing an “Internet-attribute-perception” model
AP Schouten, PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Media Psychology 10 (2), 292-315, 2007
Adolescents' identity experiments on the Internet: Consequences for social competence and self-concept unity
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Communication research 35 (2), 208-231, 2008
The effects of instant messaging on the quality of adolescents’ existing friendships: A longitudinal study
PM Valkenburg, J Peter
Journal of Communication 59 (1), 79-97, 2009
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Articles 1–20